Stalking is a devastating crime affecting 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men throughout their lifetimes. It is a crime of psychological terror commonly causing prolonged suffering for victims. Yet, the current response to stalking based on legal sanctions alone does not adequately protect victims as it fails to address the fundamental problem of stalkers’ fixated and obsessive behaviour. Research has found that as many as 55% of stalkers re-offend, either changing their tactics or targeting a new victim. Furthermore, risk escalates as a perpetrator’s fixation and obsession increases, and so early intervention is key in order to manage it.
The Multi-agency Stalking Intervention Programme (MASIP) was developed after years of campaigning for improved response to stalking to ensure victim and public safety. This innovative project is a world first, aiming to tackle stalking within a multi-disciplinary and inter-agency setting. It was funded through the Home Office Police Transformation Fund and piloted from 2018-2020 by Suzy Lamplugh Trust and partners across three sites in London, Hampshire and Cheshire.
For more information, please click through to the page below.
The Stalking Threat Assessment Centre (S-TAC), is a multiagency service that aims to deal effectively with stalking offences and, thereby, providing a good response and outcome for victims. Read more
The Multi Agency Stalking Intervention Programme offers bespoke interventions to reduce risk and reoffending of stalking perpetrators. Read more