Upcoming Campaigns Suzy Lamplugh Trust leads on a number of campaigns every year. Find out when they are and how you can get involved. Stalking Protection Order Anniversary Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) came into force on the 20th January 2020. An SPO is a civil order that protects victims of stalking, the breach of which is a criminal offence. Every year we look back at how they have been implemented and raise awareness of them among the public, police and/or prosecutors. National Stalking Awareness Week This is our biggest campaign, lasting a whole week every year in April. We raise awareness on a particular issue related to stalking, run a social media campaign and conference with key specialists. 24th-28th April 2023: this year we will be focusing on stalking among young people. We will be holding an online conference on the morning of the 25th April, details to follow. 22nd to 26th April 2024 7th to 11th April 2025 For our Bridging The Gap campaign in 2022, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust (with the National Stalking Consortium) published a report on stalking victims' access to, and experiences with, Independent Stalking Advocates, and on how they bridge the gap between the victim and the criminal justice system. National Personal Safety Day For NPSD every year we raise awareness of one issue related to personal safety, often on the topic of harassment. The date changes every year but is always held on the second Tuesday of November. 7th November 2023 5th November 2024 4th November 2025 For our campaign in 2022, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust published a report entitled 'Stamp Out Harassment: Ending Harassment of Night-Time Economy Workers', which supports our call for employers to take all reasonable steps to end workplace harassment. Anniversary of the Stalking Legislation On the 25th November 2012, stalking became an offence in England and Wales when the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 made amendments to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Every year we celebrate this change in legislation and examine how it is being implemented by police, the CPS and courts. On November 25th 2022, we submitted a super-complaint against the police finding systemic issues in the response to stalking across England and Wales. For further information on these campaigns you can contact us at [email protected] Or visit our Policy and Campaigns page to see what we've done in the past. Manage Cookie Preferences