Tips and Advice 

  • Do not engage with your stalker in any way.
  • Talk to family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, or your manager about the harassment if you feel comfortable doing so. The may be able to help by collecting further evidence on your behalf or by putting protective measures in place.
  • Be aware of how much of your personal information is in the public domain and take steps to protect your data.
  • Above everything, trust your instincts. 

Physical Stalking

  • Consider carrying a personal alarm.
  • Vary your daily routine and take different routes to and from work.
  • Know where the nearest safe location is, for instance a police station. But, if there isn't one nearby, you could use a 24 hour supermarket with security guards and CCTV.
  • Talk to the police about using CCTV and/or installing a panic button at your home. 
  • Consider installing an alarm system.
  • Ensure all your doors and windows are locked before you leave home or go to sleep. 

Cyber Safety

  • Get your computer checked for malware and key logging software.
  • Change your passwords frequently and don't use the same password for everything.
  • Limit the amount of information you share about yourself on social networking site and check your privacy settings to ensure you are not giving away more information about yourself than you intend to.
  • Keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.
  • Report any stalking activity on websites to the administrators. If they won't act, contact the web hosting company. 
  • You can find more information here

Stalking in the Workplace

Stalking can take place in many forms in the workplace. Some stalkers are colleagues or clients of the victim, others are individuals who are unrelated to the workplace but who make contact with the victim at work because of ease of access or to cause them further distress.

Stalking behaviour can include:

  • Telephone calls
  • Following
  • Making false complaints to employers
  • Monitoring or spying
  • Hacking
  • Visiting place of work

Suzy Lamplugh Trust's Stalking in the Workplace Guide offers advice to help employees and employers manage the risk of stalking, plus advice on setting up a Workplace Stalking Policy. Download it here.

National Stalking Helpline

If you're being stalked, the National Stalking Helpline can offer free help and advice.

Contact Us via phone or form


Suzy Lamplugh Trust have a number of posters and leaflets that are free to download:

Put a Stop to Stalking

National Stalking Helpline Leaflet

Stalking at Work Advice Poster