Our work Policy and campaigns Suzy Lamplugh Trust General Election Manifesto on Stalking and Harassment Stalking and harassment make up 43% of all recorded violence against women and girls (VAWG) crimes. Yet, despite the prevalence of these crimes, stalking and harassment victims are continuously deprioritised within the criminal justice system with convictions remaining woefully low. It is vital that stalking and harassment victims do not fall through the cracks in this general election.As such, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is calling on all political parties to ensure victims of stalking and harassment are adequately supported. Our key recommendations include: Publishing a national Tackling Stalking Plan that covers all criminal justice agencies. Ring-fencing £243,810,000 in funding for specialist stalking support services. Mandating specialist stalking training across all criminal justice agencies. Committing to rolling out Multi-Agency Stalking Intervention Programmes across police forces. Introducing legislation to criminalise third-party harassment in the workplace. Mandating the recording and reporting of all incidents of harassment in the workplace. For more detail, read the full list of recommendations in our manifesto. Manage Cookie Preferences